Uijeongbu-si, South Korea (Gyeonggi-do)

Airports near the city Uijeongbu-si

Nearest airport to the city Uijeongbu-si

Gimpo Intl (GMP)

Airport Gimpo Intl (GMP) is located in 30.1 km from the city center Uijeongbu-si.

The second most remote airport is

Seoul Domestic (SSN)

Distance from the city center to the airport is Seoul Domestic (Seoul Domestic) — 33.3 km

And finally, the third most remote airport is


The distance to the airport is 55.8 km.

Would you like to book a private jet or helicopter in Uijeongbu-si?

JETVIP offers to organize charters in Uijeongbu-si at any time, as soon as possible and from any city. Our employees will take care of all the worries associated with organizing the flight and transfer.

In order to order a business jet to / from Uijeongbu-si you need to inform JetVip employees the necessary data. We will answer all your questions and clarify all the nuances associated with VIP charter.

To order and rent a private jet and helicopter in Uijeongbu-si call +7 (495) 545-45-35 or fill out the application form on our website jetvip.aero

Estimated cost of popular flights

Based on flight calculator data

Flight time
71000 €
82500 €
83500 €
109000 €
121500 €
Flight time
62000 €
72000 €
72500 €
106000 €
Flight time
61000 €
70500 €
71500 €
104000 €
Flight time
78000 €
90500 €
91500 €
119000 €
133000 €
Flight time
79000 €
91500 €
92500 €
120500 €
135000 €
Flight time
75000 €
87500 €
88500 €
115000 €
128500 €
Flight time
80000 €
93000 €
94000 €
122000 €
136500 €

Full list of airports near Uijeongbu-si by distance:

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