Questions from our clients about business aviation and aircraft

Business Aviation encyclopedia

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What do people most often look for in business aviation?

When people are interested in business aviation, they usually look for information on the following topics:

Charter flights: People are looking for information about the possibility of chartering private jets for specific travel or business trips. They are interested in the cost of the charter, types of aircraft, availability of routes and other aspects related to the lease of an aircraft for a while.

Aircraft Types: People are looking for information about the different types of aircraft used in business aviation. They are interested in the characteristics and capabilities of each type of aircraft in order to choose the right one for their needs and budget.

Benefits of Business Aviation: People are looking for information about the benefits of using business aviation versus commercial airlines. They are interested in comfort, route flexibility, travel time savings, privacy and other factors that make business aviation attractive.

Cost and Budgeting: People are looking for information about the cost of business aviation and how to budget flights. They are interested in the cost of aircraft rental, maintenance, fuel, landing fees and other expenses to understand how affordable business aviation is for them.

Flying Your Own Jet: Some people consider owning their own jet for business travel. They are looking for information about the process of acquiring, maintaining and operating an aircraft, as well as the possible financial and operational aspects of owning a personal aircraft.

Business jets and their characteristics: People are looking for information about the different models of business jets and their features. They are interested in performance, range, speed, capacity and other technical characteristics in order to determine the choice of the right aircraft.

Air terminals and infrastructure: People are looking for information about airports and air terminals that specialize in servicing business aviation. They are interested in the accessibility and convenience of terminals, the availability of VIP lounges, aircraft parking and other aspects of infrastructure that can affect the quality and convenience of flights.

Flight Booking and Arrangement Process: People are looking for information on how to book and arrange flights in business aviation. They are interested in the booking process, necessary documents and formalities, services provided by brokers and charter operators, as well as other aspects of planning and preparing for a flight.

Partnering with Operators and Brokers: People are looking for information about partnering with professional operators and business aviation brokers. They are interested in the selection of reliable and qualified partners, the process of selecting the best solutions and services provided by these specialists.

Trends and news in business aviation: People are interested in current news and trends in the world of business aviation. They want to keep abreast of the latest developments, technologies, events and changes in the industry

These are some of the main topics that people usually look for information about in the context of business aviation. However, specific requests may vary depending on the needs and interests of each individual.

Our specialists are ready to answer these and many other questions around the clock.

Transportation of cargo 200 by plane (Coffin) is possible on certain models, such as YAK42, YAK 40, Boeing, Airbus, Legacy 600/650 , Challenger 850.

How to transport cargo 200 by plane in Russia? Assistance in transportation and Organization of air transportation "Cargo 200" and Urns with ashes.

To clarify the cost of transporting a coffin by plane on international routes, as well as within the Russian Federation on private jets, call our phones or leave a request. Air delivery of human remains by plane to Moscow, Russia and around the world, cost.

Depending on the model of a business jet, it can accommodate from 2 to 19 people.

The issue of passenger capacity in private jets is considered in more detail in our article.

Russia closed the sky for airlines from 37 countries.

Restrictions apply to airlines from countries such as Austria, Albania, Anguilla, Belgium, Bulgaria, British Virgin Islands, United Kingdom, Hungary, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Denmark (+Greenland, Faroe Islands, Territorial Sea), Jersey, Ireland, Iceland , Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Sweden, Estonia.

In special cases, the Federal Air Transport Agency or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may issue a special permit for flights from these states.

But the business of aviation makes it possible to get to these countries. Contact our private jet charter service and we will offer business jet flights to any country.

Business jets are classified according to flight range, capacity and size of the aircraft. There are about 8 categories in total, but only 6 are used more often.

light turboprop - Turboprop - aircraft with turboprop engines capable of speeds up to 400 km / h. up to 12 passengers.
Very Light is the smallest class designed for short flights with a maximum number of passengers up to 4 people,
Turboprop is a very common category for short trips, up to 6 passengers,
Light Jets - passenger capacity from 6 to 8 people, is in great demand in the market,
Midsize Jets - medium range, up to 5 hours of flight, with a capacity of 6 to 10 seats,
Heavy Jets - this category already includes such serious aircraft as the Falcon 2000, Gulfstream 200 or Challenger 605 with a passenger capacity of up to 14 seats,
The Ultra Long Range is the jet preferred by celebrities for its size, safety and luxury. They have a flight range of 10,000-13,000 km and a capacity of 10 to 18 passengers.

You can view and compare business jets, as well as find out the characteristics of all private jets in our catalog of business jet models. You will find more than 40 companies worldwide, more than 9000 aircraft of various models with all the information you need. Photos, years of manufacture, previous aircraft registrations, flight altitude and range, how many people can fit in the cabin and how many suitcases can be placed in the cabin.

By the way, as of March 31, 2019, there are 22,125 business jets in the global fleet, and the top 20 countries account for 89% of the entire fleet.

Also read which business jets are better?

There are several options for buying a business jet.
Order directly from the manufacturer
When buying from the factory, you can be sure that you are purchasing a private jet in brand new condition. However, depending on the manufacturer and model, the waiting time may be longer.
Specialized Ad Markets
Through online classifieds, you can directly contact the sellers of used aircraft. However, compared to buying a used car privately, this option comes with more risks.
Aviation Brokers
Professional aviation brokers offer assistance at all stages of the process of buying a business jet. Beginning buyers especially benefit from the know-how of experts in this field.

Today, a charter in aviation is a contract for ordering aircraft to transport passengers along a specific route at a predetermined time. In English, the word "charter" is translated as a charter, charter or treaty. Initially, the term "freight" was applied only to sea transportation. Then, with the advent of cargo "aeronautics", the term "air freight" appeared - and the concept of freight began to be applied to air transportation. In modern terminology, the word "freight" can also be heard in relation to land modes of transport (land freight). Airfreight. With the help of aircraft, you can quickly move urgent and expensive goods: for example, medicines or spare parts that are needed immediately, cultural property and jewelry. The cost of transportation depends on: the size of the goods, the airport of departure, the airport of destination, the name of the goods, the weight of the cargo, the cost of the product.

In order to transport the goods, the customer concludes a charter agreement with the contractor. The charterer (customer) undertakes to pay for the services of the transport company, and the charterer (order executor) is responsible for the delivery of the goods to the destination specified in the contract.

Chartering is also called a contract, according to which one party (the charterer) provides the other (the charterer) with a vehicle in whole or in part for a specified period, to perform certain work, for one or more flights.

A charter flight or charter is a flight that is not indicated in the schedule of regular airlines.

Aircraft charter is a pre-order service for a charter or private aircraft, according to the individual schedule of the client.

A private jet is called an administrative aircraft - an aircraft used in the interests of one client (individual or organization), the owner of the aircraft. Such transport does not work on regular flights, flies exclusively on individual routes and most often operates flights of the owner of the aircraft or his friends and partners.

A business jet is an aircraft that is at the complete disposal of the customer to fly in the direction he needs.

Private jets can be:

Own - the owner (individual or company) solely owns the equipment, pilots it independently or uses the services of hired pilots.
Executive business charter (business charters) - the lessee charters aircraft for a charter flight together with the crew and attendants.
Fractional ownership (in partial ownership) - a businessman buys part of the flying time, which gives him the opportunity to use the ship if necessary.

Business aviation companies operating in Russia are presented in our business aviation catalog.

And it's even easier to use our charter flight cost calculator for a business jet and our managers will select the best aircraft from both Russian and foreign airlines.

Russian business aviation airlines

Tulpar, Air management Group, Barkol, North wind, Cosmos, Aerolimousine, Rusjet, Meridian

JETVIP is always on the lookout for true business aviation professionals. We are looking for candidates with experience. The list of current vacancies in business aviation can be clarified with our managers or email us at

We invite you to become part of the JETWIP team, gain new knowledge and contribute to creating the history of a leading company in the business aviation industry.

Do I need to take a coronavirus test before flying an airplane?

In short, when flying within Russia between regions, a certificate of the absence of coronavirus is not required. A certificate is currently requested only when crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

Russians arriving from abroad will fill out questionnaires on the website of state services "in order to ensure sanitary and quarantine control" at checkpoints across the border with Russia. From August 1, the questionnaires must be filled in when purchasing a ticket, but no later than check-in for the flight. In addition, citizens of the Russian Federation within three days after arriving in Russia will have to undergo a laboratory test for coronavirus infection COVID-19 using the PCR method and post its results on the public services portal by filling out the form. The document also says that foreigners arriving in Russia will need to have a certificate of absence of coronavirus when boarding the plane. The PCR test must be completed no earlier than three days before the trip, and its results must be presented in a medical document in Russian or English. Foreign citizens must also fill out an application form arriving in Russia, a sample of which is posted on the Rospotrebnadzor website. For foreigners arriving in the Russian Federation with the purpose of "work" must undergo mandatory self-isolation within 14 days.

With or without test: how to check information before the flight

Before you go on a trip, you need to check if a PCR test for Covid-19 is required upon arrival. Having bought a ticket or a flight to the country, it is better to make a test on time, and not find out about it at the airport at the check-in counter.

Where to monitor testing information? If you are flying by plane, information on testing can be viewed on the IATA - International Air Carrier Association website In the Passport, Visa and Health section, you need to indicate the date of issue and expiration of the passport, birthday and citizenship, as well as the number of days of stay in the country where the flight is planned. As a result, the site will show the need for a PCR test, at what deadline before arrival it must be done. And also whether you need a visa and return tickets on hand to be allowed into the country.

In case of refusal to visit the country, the reasons for which arose through no fault of yours, our company returns the paid amount, subject to the conditions specified in the contract.

ffThe rules for staying in quarantine are regulated by the country of destination. If you find it difficult to obtain information, contact your personal manager to clarify the details or see the restrictions on our section of the website COVID -19

If there are grounds for departure, you can go to any country. However, this information is constantly changing due to the tense situation. The most accurate information can be obtained only from the managers at the above phone numbers.

At the time of December 20, 2020, Russia officially opened flights with 16 countries:

1. Turkey
2. Tanzania (Zanzibar)
3. Maldives
4. United Kingdom
5. Switzerland
6. United Arab Emirates
7. Egypt (Cairo)
8. Belarus
9. Kazakhstan
10. Kyrgyzstan
11.South Korea
12. Serbia
13. Cuba
14. Japan
15. Seychelles
16. Ethiopia


Large Cabin private jets can carry between 10 and 19 passengers depending on model and configuration like this Gulfstream GV: If the question is related to commercial jets, small regional jets carry anywhere from 50 to 75 passengers and airliner class jets can carry from 120 to 800 passengers.

Yes, you can. Please note that JETVIP company kindly asks its customers to promptly notify this type of luggage before booking to provide them with the most suitable aircraft and to send their bags in due time, before the flight, for the proper boarding procedures, ensuring compliance with the take-off time requested.

The number and size of the baggage allowed depend on the type of aircraft you choose. JETVIP company will provide advice about the most suitable aircraft for the number and volume of the customer’s luggage.

Yes, you can. Of course, JETVIP also takes care of your beloved pets. Therefore, you can usually bring small pets on board and sometimes you will need a pet carrier. To ensure a prompt handling of the procedures and compliance with legal regulations, please call our phone line, available 24/7, send an e-mail to or get in touch with your flight consultant.

It depends on air company. Some times yes. To protect our passengers, almost all the airplanes provided by JETVIP are non-smoking. In case of different needs, please call our phone line, available 24/7, or send an e-mail to

Price between $1,300 and $3,000 per flying hour for a turboprop or smaller jet plane, which typically seats 4 to 6 passengers; between $4,000 and $8,000 per flying hour for a midsize jet, which typically accommodates up to 9 passengers; and between $8,600 and $13,000 per flying hour for larger private jets, which usually seat from 14 to 19 passengers. You can see how that translates into a cross-country flight below.

How much will your jet charter cost? The price depends on aircraft size, the distance and locations you are traveling, trip duration and other factors. We have a large, diverse charter fleet, and access to thousands of aircraft around the globe. You will have the perfect jet for your next flight.

The cost for a six-hour cross-country private jet charter flight

  • On a turboprop or smaller private jet: $7,800 to $18,000 (4 to 6 passengers)
  • On a midsize private jet: $24,000 to $48,000 (up to 9 passengers)
  • On a large private jet: $51,600 to $78,000 (14 to 19 passengers)

Aircraft details and sample pricing.

  Passenger Capacity Range (nautical miles) Hourly Rate
Light  4 - 8 2,100 – 2,300 $2,600 - $3,500
Midsize  6 - 8 2,200 – 3,500 $3,100 - $4,100
Super Midsize  8 - 10 3,000 – 4,200 $4,400 - $4,600
Large  9 - 19 3,500 – 7,800 $5,100 - $7,000
Ultra Long Range  10 - 19 3,500 – 7,800 $7,500 - $12,000


Private aviation pricing depend on a number of factors including aircraft availability, airport landing fees, and time between flights. But you might find a private flight could cost you less that you expect.

We've put together some example routes and aircraft pricing below to show you how far you can get for your budget. 

For a personalised quote for any global itinerary or expert advice from our team, contact us or +43 676 3612423

Our Private Jet Charter Experts Available 24/7 To Provide A Competitive Price In Minutes

Yes, of course you can. The satisfaction of customers is extremely important for JETVIP Aviation. If you need to make short-term changes (< 24 hours), you only have to contact your own flight consultant using our line, available 24 hours a day. Any changes exceeding the 24 hours (> 24) can be communicated either by telephone calling at +43 676 3612423 or via e-mail to

Any change communicated even earlier than the date of the flight will be subject to availability of the aircraft and CIELO Aviation will take care of it to verify if it is doable.

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