East African Air Charter

Flying is a passion; you either love it or hate it. The same can be said about Africa. It has beauty, savagery, despair and adoration all mixed together and there is no other continent in which distance is better married with aviation. There is no better way to really understand the scale of Africa, to see its horizons stretching unbroken all around and to witness the sudden changes of the landscape when the memory of the previous terrain is only a head turn behind you. Long hot journeys on unmade dusty red roads meandering hesitantly towards their destination, or traffic dodging potholes in endlessly jarring chaos all slip by underneath the wings of the aircraft.

Whether you are a business traveler heading to a meeting intent on avoiding time-consuming delays, or a tourist on a tight schedule making the most of your limited time in the country, a celebrity wanting the quickest connections between private jets, or just someone who needs something done urgently, flying is always the quickest and is often the most cost-effective way of getting around.

Flying is a passion; you either love it or hate it. The same can be said about Africa. It has beauty, savagery, despair and adoration all mixed together and there is no other continent in which distance is better married with aviation. There is no better way to really understand the scale of Africa, to see its horizons stretching unbroken all around and to witness the sudden changes of the landscape when the memory of the previous terrain is only a head turn behind you. Long hot journeys on unmade dusty red roads meandering hesitantly towards their destination, or traffic dodging potholes in endlessly jarring chaos all slip by underneath the wings of the aircraft.

Whether you are a business traveler heading to a meeting intent on avoiding time-consuming delays, or a tourist on a tight schedule making the most of your limited time in the country, a celebrity wanting the quickest connections between private jets, or just someone who needs something done urgently, flying is always the quickest and is often the most cost-effective way of getting around.

JETVIP is proud of its partnership with East African Air Charter and therefore we are ready to offer the best prices for rental private jets : 5Y-BOX, 5Y-CCB

You can order a business and private jet by calling our numbers at the top of the site or leave your details in a special feedback form.

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Nairobi, Kenya
+254 735 880011
Показать EAAC Hangars, Wilson Airport Langata Road Nairobi, Kenya
Tail number
Cessna Aircraft Grand Caravan 208B
  • Year (YOM)
  • Year of refit
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Tail number
Cessna Aircraft Citation Bravo
  • Year (YOM)
  • Year of refit
  • No. of seats
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