Sovereign Business Jet

Sovereign Business Jets have many years of experience in aviation brokerage & acquisition services and have encountered and overcome every scenario you could possibly think of. Buying or selling a jet can be a daunting prospect and not one you want to get wrong. Over the years we have developed a database of contacts spanning over 100 countries worldwide and have bought or sold aircraft in every continent of the world. With a wealth of experience and expertise we offer a complete end-to-end service and can steer you through the many complexities of registration, taxation, contractual documentation and export/import.

Sovereign Business Jets have many years of experience in aviation brokerage & acquisition services and have encountered and overcome every scenario you could possibly think of. Buying or selling a jet can be a daunting prospect and not one you want to get wrong. Over the years we have developed a database of contacts spanning over 100 countries worldwide and have bought or sold aircraft in every continent of the world. With a wealth of experience and expertise we offer a complete end-to-end service and can steer you through the many complexities of registration, taxation, contractual documentation and export/import.

JETVIP is proud of its partnership with Sovereign Business Jet and therefore we are ready to offer the best prices for rental private jets : G-OSRL

You can order a business and private jet by calling our numbers at the top of the site or leave your details in a special feedback form.

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Biggin Hill, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1959 580 999
Показать 2nd Floor East Terminal 2 Hangar, Bromley TN16 3BH Biggin Hill, United Kingdom
Tail number
Bombardier Learjet 45XR
  • Year (YOM)
  • Year of refit
  • No. of seats
    7 seats
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