Oneonta, United States (Alabama Blount County)

Airports near the city Oneonta

Nearest airport to the city Oneonta

Northeast Alabama Regl (GAD)

Airport Northeast Alabama Regl (GAD) is located in 35.6 km from the city center Oneonta.

The second most remote airport is

St Clair County (PLR)

Distance from the city center to the airport is St Clair County (St Clair County) — 47.9 km

And finally, the third most remote airport is

Birmingham-Shuttlesworth Intl

The distance to the airport is 49.9 km.

Would you like to book a private jet or helicopter in Oneonta?

JETVIP offers to organize charters in Oneonta at any time, as soon as possible and from any city. Our employees will take care of all the worries associated with organizing the flight and transfer.

In order to order a business jet to / from Oneonta you need to inform JetVip employees the necessary data. We will answer all your questions and clarify all the nuances associated with VIP charter.

To order and rent a private jet and helicopter in Oneonta call +7 (495) 545-45-35 or fill out the application form on our website

Estimated cost of popular flights

Based on flight calculator data

Flight time
88000 €
102000 €
103000 €
134000 €
150000 €
Flight time
104500 €
121500 €
122500 €
159500 €
178500 €
Flight time
75500 €
88000 €
88500 €
115500 €
129000 €
Flight time
62500 €
73000 €
73500 €
107000 €
Flight time
67500 €
78500 €
79500 €
103500 €
116000 €
Flight time
70000 €
81000 €
82000 €
106500 €
119500 €
Flight time
69500 €
80500 €
81500 €
106000 €
118500 €

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